What DO I need to Do?

Contact us now to coordinate the services you need today. From sober retreats to sober companions, from in-patient treatment to sober living, AIR will help you to find the services to get you sober. Offering scholarships for those who are unable to afford treatment services, money is no longer a barrier to your life.

WHAT Services do you work with?

From 12-step therapies to less traditional methods, AIR works with each additional athlete to find the best method to achieve sobriety.


DO YOU have treatment facilities?

AIR is a 501(c)3 that provides free services to athletes to connect them with treatment programs. We do not run any facilities on our own.


Why now?

If you are on this site, and you haven’t gotten sober yet, now is the time.

Any other questions?

Call us at 877-4-GETAIR (877-443-8247). We are here to help.